Tuesday, October 8, 2013

freshly cut lawn

And the liberty goes to... #64 Alyce(!), who will soon be receiving this roygbiv spread of 28 tana lawn prints:

Most pieces measure around 5"x10", so think of it as 50+ charm squares headed your way (nearly 1m by weight  {including best press} in all, but who's keeping track? <<<ahem>>>).

The lucky lady mentioned she was digging navy+teal+coral at the moment, so I initially set out to add a few of those notes from my collection. (Clearly) I wound up with a more complete spectrum.  ...Because who doesn't love a little liberty rainbow?  ;)

Hope you enjoy them, and can't wait to see these resurface in your work, friend!  I've got a similar scheme up my sleeve, now if only I could find the time to take it from the sketching+starching phase to the cutting+sewing stage!  #cantcomplainnowthatIhaveajobtosponsormycreativeendeavors

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Ha ha nice hashtag. Alyce you stink! ;)

  2. Oh, wow! They are so beautiful. I hit the jackpot! Thank you so much for your generosity! The wheels are already wildly spinning with amazing quilty, fabric-y ideas.

  3. Those fabric really are so beautiful!! Congrats Alyce - I can hardly wait to see what your create.


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