After months of
saving up to order fabric from England planning, the pieces are {figuratively} starting to come together...
studying + study-breaking + sketching + scheming = sparkly oakshotts ;) |
So the DWR design insanity is (sort of) officially under way, but one question remains:
traditional or modern?
Lucky for me, there's nearly a month left to decide while all the (tiny) pieces literally come together ;)
And okay, obviously it's not so under way that the diamond shape is set in stone. If by chance seeing this has changed your mind since that little old "round vs. square" poll, please (please!) chime in! Or, if you stand by your round cut vote, speak up, too. ...If only so that I have some positive vibes to keep me going when I'm on the 40th of eighty-one 4⅛" diamonds. ('Das right, CRAZY's in da {house} :D).
Linking up with Lee ;) Happy Wednesday, friends!
P.S. Thank you all for your overwhelmingly kind comments about
my muted forest quilt, which mysteriously slipped through a linky loophole over at Amy's Creative Side and wound up in the
Viewer's Choice vote.
(Pinch me!?) I have massive respect for the 23 other artists whose work is hanging in that group, and I do hope you'll head on over to peruse the offerings and cast your vote for the pieces that catch
your eye.
...Oh, and it's a slightly addicting showcase, so be prepared to stay awhile ;)