
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

jklm_op {gypsy alphabet}

I'm sure you've all heard of Jen Kingwell by now.  I know I've had my eyes peeled for her gypsy wife pattern ever since seeing Lynne of Lily's QuiltsBOM version last year.  Well, weeks turned into months, until I *finally* spotted the pattern out and about in the wild.  And by "wild" I mean on IG.  And by "finally" I mean I basically had Miranda Lambert's "Airstream Song" on repeat in my head for most of 2013.  (Fortunately she's one of my faves.)

As if cued by that carefree tune, universe-messenger Anne of Play Crafts delivered the booklet at my workshop the other weekend.  (Ironically, Anne is not the biggest fan of country music.  I forgive you, Anne.)

Of course such a free-spirited design deserves some storied textiles, so I'm relying on an edited selection from my coveted collections of liberty and oakshott to weave this untamed tale.  (Sneakered giraffes and all.)

And like many others in our community, I'll be joining in with Michelle of Factotum of Arts's Gypsy Wife Quilt Along.  (My seven February blocks are scattered throughout this post).

You can check out the leisurely schedule here and join (or just follow!) our flickr group here.  Michelle has also called out for monthly link-ups to keep everyone in line (and incentivized).


So as if you needed any other reason at all to jump on the gypsy-wagon, the charismatic Heather of Indy-based Crimson Tate and the incredible Michael (the Mr. of Oakshott) have generously agreed to sponsor the giveaway of all giveaways here in November (we don't take leisurely lightly, people!).  The prize?

(Hold onto your hats folks, 'cause their generosity just might blow your top off.)

Heather (and David!) put together two uhhhhmazing rainbow bundles of nearly a dozen liberty lawn F8s from Crimson Tate(Pssssst:  they assembled extras, nudge nudge.)

Michael has provided a $100 voucher (plus free shipping) for one lucky participant to start an Oakshott stash of her own.  (Or his own.  And no, I did not accidentally add an extra "0"!  Which means you'll be well on your way to getting your hands on this rainbow of new colourshotts if luck is on your side come November!)

It goes without saying there will be at least two winners.  Intrigued?  Want to be one of them?  Excellent.  You officially have nine months to give in to the gypsy temptation and check in back here at the house with your completed November blocks.

...Or you could just get a head start now on those HSTs and squares within squares (...and squares within squares within courthouse steps).  Just sayyyin', this is one link-up you *won't* want to miss.

In the meantime, I'll be trying to avoid the temptation in this drawer...

Wish me luck!

linking up with Lee!


  1. HAHAahahaahahaha I should have known when I went on and on about country music that you were a fan! BAD ANNE. No cookie. :(
    I like Miranda Lambert, fwiw. Does that get me at least a few bonus points back?
    Oh, also. These blocks are yummy! And I'm on the lookout for my own copy of the gypsy wife book now. THANKS A LOT.
    This comment brought to you by my capslock button.

  2. Not my cuppa tea but you might surprise as always. Good luck!

  3. YUM. Your blocks are incredible! (Though with Liberty and Oakshott, how can you seriously go wrong?)

  4. Gosh, you make it impossible to pass up a QAL. Thank you for sharing the info.

  5. You have a super collection of fabrics for the Gypsy Wife. Your first blocks are terrific; what size are they? I believe there are a lot of very small pieces in this pattern, aren't there?

  6. Gypsy wife is going to look gorgeous in Liberty and Oakshott!!

  7. Your blocks are lovely-- ESPECIALLY the sneakered giraffes!! What an awesome giveaway.

  8. What a start! This is going to be one of those quilts you just want to touch through the computer screen.

  9. Love your fabric choices! Love those giraffes!!

  10. You're lucky i'm already doing this one, because with blocks like these i wouldn't be able to resist!
    Liberty AND Oakshott?!! Nothing done in half measures over here! This is going to be amazing :)

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if you don't mind my saying so, please do! i love hearing from new quilting friends! good or bad, let's hear it ;)

p.s. I'm so sorry, but I've had to disable anonymous comments due to sneaky spammers. I hope you understand!