
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

a mascot and a flag {#opgivewarmth}

As promised, I've updated the #opgivewarmth page with a few more (necessary) details, so please pop on over there for shipping information and other logistical musings.  

One thing I'd like to emphasize here is that I've changed my mind on the 12.5" block size.  Instead, feel free to send any block whose finished size is a multiple of 3.  Whether you feel like making 3" or 36" (finished) blocks, so long as you remember to include an extra 1/2" for seam allowance I'll take whatever suits your fancy!  (I think I can hear Alison audibly gasping from halfway across the world about how I've just multiplied the work for myself, but in the abstract I like the design flexibility that having a variety of sizes will afford, so let's just hope this new plan pans out in practice!)  

And while I have your attention, I wanted to share some of the designs brewing around this month's palette...

The coyote you've seen (though he's been tweaked thanks to some IG friends who pointed out a, um, sneaky detail that I'd embarrassingly overlooked).  So, moving right along, how happy am I that there's already something in the flickr group from one of you?!  Erica made the beautiful AMH feather (it's long been on my own wish list, so I can't wait to incorporate hers into one of this month's MVOB quilts!)  Extra bonus?  I've seen snippets of another block in the works from Aoife of thREDhead (also, I love that she provides a clip of how to pronounce her name over on her blog; I was totally saying it wrong in my head).  

And because I was in a bit of a pink-y mood after strip-piecing stripes and testing out those geese for my friend Amanda of Material Girl Quilts, I decided some little HSTs featuring my all-time favorite AMH print were in order (field study sundials in glow, for those who are wondering).  A little inadvertent scattering on my desk (the present holding cell for this project) ultimately led to this pseudo-patriotic affair...

Ironically, my motto as a little girl was "Say no to pink."  Suffice it to say, I'm sort of smitten that this little flag stands for just the opposite.  I can only hope it finds its way to a little kid who's more openminded to the color than I was at that age.  ;o)

Linking up with Lee.  Thanks for stopping by!



  1. The flag is going to be awesome! I'm not a pink person myself, but with two girls in house I've been brought around (kicking and screaming).

  2. I'm glad you changed the size requirements...I'm pretty sure I already have some orphan blocks I can donate and will be happy to make more :)

  3. So much yumness! That's definitely one of my fave AMH prints too.

  4. This is adorable! I'm not a huge fan of pink myself but I'd never say no to a red.

  5. Thanks for the update. I get off early today and was going to whip up some blocks to send you. Mine will NOT be detailed pieced blocks but I will adhere to the pallette previously posted. PS. I say yes to pink there's never enough.

  6. So sweet of you to share my block on your blog, hopefully I will have some more completed this weekend. I love your flag block, you can never go wrong with AMH. Can't wait to see how you put all these blocks together, and I'm super happy about the sizes...I am spreading the word on Threadbias so hopefully you will see some more quilt blocks soon.

  7. Great idea to open up to other block sizes! I'm definitely going to be sending something your way this month.

  8. I hadn't noticed that detail... ha! It'll be nice to see what people come up with for blocks now.


so... you're thinking about commenting, are you?

if you don't mind my saying so, please do! i love hearing from new quilting friends! good or bad, let's hear it ;)

p.s. I'm so sorry, but I've had to disable anonymous comments due to sneaky spammers. I hope you understand!