
Monday, April 14, 2014

gypsy brunettes

After returning from inspiration-overload at SewDown Nashville late last night, rather than do the obvious thing and share all about the incredible workshops that I'm guilty of overgramming on IG since last Friday, instead I'm going to take a slight detour and share my March gypsy wife progress in an effort to give myself time to fully process the last 72 hours :)

Of course there's the big Pershing block...

Lots of little pinwheels.

And because there were just too many color combinations jumping out at me last month, I even made a few extra teeny tiny blocks from some of the scraps.  I'm definitely thinking this will be more than a throw-size by the time I'm done with it!

And to be fair, this post isn't a complete departure from the weekend.  You see, I finally got a chance to meet a couple of my fellow gypsy brunettes Daisy and (fearless 'along-leader) Michelle down in Nashville.  I hope they don't mind me sharing this picture of the three of us... ;o)  And to all the other gypsy-wifers, we missed you!

Daisy of Ants to Sugar, me, and Michelle of Factotum of Arts

And that's that!  More to follow in the coming weeks about just everything we were up to down south!



  1. Your blocks are looking so awesome! And i love that your making blocks out of the scraps, i thought i was the only one crazy enough to do that! Looking forward to seeing your pics from this weekend, so jealous!!

  2. These blocks are wonderful! I love every piece of it!

  3. love this! i was so excited by your overgramming and that you brunette's were hanging out! love your blocks,and i'm glad i'm not the only one who wants to make the quilt larger...

  4. Yay to meeting folks in person. It looks like you had a blast. Your blocks are gorgeous. I need to get a fire under mine...

  5. You have some beautiful blocks there - looking forward to seeing the finished result.

  6. That's a favourite combo - liberty and oakshott! Nice.

  7. It's a gorgeous start! I love what you are doing with color and pattern. I'm off to the PO today to send my first block for April. It's a great cause and I'm honored to be involved.

  8. Sarah!? You are a super awesome blogger. I just stalked you all over the place. You make me want to like, write posts regularly and stuff. And maybe even READ them regularly. So glad we met!

  9. That pershing block a stunner…great blocks. It was so wonderful to meet you - that was by far my favorite part of sew down….meeting all the fantastic people :-)

  10. I love the color scheme of your gypsy wife, and it was wonderful to finally meet you!

  11. What a great grouping - the colours and fabric choices are perfect!


so... you're thinking about commenting, are you?

if you don't mind my saying so, please do! i love hearing from new quilting friends! good or bad, let's hear it ;)

p.s. I'm so sorry, but I've had to disable anonymous comments due to sneaky spammers. I hope you understand!