
Sunday, April 27, 2014 modern patchwork (!)

You might've had enough "Liberty (of London) and Justice For All" for now.  But I couldn't resist sharing what showed up in my mailbox (and hit newsstands!) the other week.

Thanks for indulging me :)

P.S.  I'll be giving away some liberty on the blog this week, so keep an eye out for that here very soon!


  1. I'm never tired of seeing that quilt! Congratulations on being in the magazine!

  2. Congratulations! And I'm with Leanne--how can anyone get tired of this quilt? :)

  3. Congrats! Your quilt is so wonderful that it should be on the cover!

  4. Eee so awesome!! :D :D :D Congratulations. ^_^ Do you get the quilt back now?

  5. Congrats! No wonder since it is exceptional piece!

  6. I don't think there can be any such thing as too much Liberty!!!

  7. Oh fantastic! Totally deserved, it is an incredible quilt.

  8. Congratulations, a beautiful quilt. I haven't seen that magazine in the stores yet but will have to check it out. I would love to see aurifil thread on the drop. And liberty fabrics some time as they are hard to find for me.

  9. I love this quilt!! Well deserved, congrats!

  10. Congratulations! So worthy of being in a magazine. It must feel pretty darn cool!

  11. Do you know when you get it back? And when you do, what are you doing with it? I can really see this framed in a shadow box frame, natural wood, to really elevate it to a piece of artwork. I'll never get enough of it, so show show away!

  12. So exciting, and very very well deserved!! Congratulations! Now I'm going to have to go find myself a copy... :)


so... you're thinking about commenting, are you?

if you don't mind my saying so, please do! i love hearing from new quilting friends! good or bad, let's hear it ;)

p.s. I'm so sorry, but I've had to disable anonymous comments due to sneaky spammers. I hope you understand!