
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#opgivewarmth {april 2014}

After yesterday's wordy post, I figured I should be brief today.  So without further ado, I give you "color scooped," the inaugural #opgivewarmth palette.  Read up, and dig in.* :)


*And while you're off getting started on your 12.5" blocks, I'll be putting the finishing touches on shipping logistics and an FAQ section for the #opgivewarmth page.  Have something to add?  Ask about it here so I can include it over there :)


so... you're thinking about commenting, are you?

if you don't mind my saying so, please do! i love hearing from new quilting friends! good or bad, let's hear it ;)

p.s. I'm so sorry, but I've had to disable anonymous comments due to sneaky spammers. I hope you understand!