
Thursday, July 17, 2014

slacking {...and swapping}

Oh hello there ;o)

So... where've I been the past month and a half?  According to the archives, not here.  (Oops!)  And not really at the sewing machine (I only wish I were cool enough to have that many secret projects going on).  No no, instead I've been preoccupied with work (the non-sewing kind), closing on our house, and spending some much-needed time with the fam'.  So not too shabby, really :)

But I have had a few snippets of time to catch up on some sewing.  Namely, my Schnitzel & Boo mini swap!

So I had Shannon (@piecefulkwilter) and I was smitten as soon as I saw the questionnaire:

Jewel tones.  Low volume.

Plaids.  Stripes.  Dots.  Scrappy.

Bright.  Bold.  Graphic.

And of course I couldn't resist adding some more feedsacks and earthy oakshott to the back.  Plus a sharpie label.  Boom.  Done.  :)

Of course the upside to parting with this little quilt was knowing it was always destined for such a deserving (and appreciative!) recipient.  Because at the end of the day, it's the giving away that fuels most of the making in this house :o)


  1. I can only imagine how hard this was to giveaway! It's completely stunning!

  2. You should link you beautiful creation on tomorrows Saturday Swap linky,

  3. Yep, i would have kept it. So awesome!
    Glad to see you back, but i totally get the lack of blogging. Something about the summer just equals a lack of blogging!

  4. This mini turned out great! Great to see you again but I am glad to hear that you are enjoying summer with your family!!

  5. Holy crap I love everything about this quilt!!!

  6. Welcome back! Love those jeweled feathers.

  7. Glad to hear from you! :D Sorry to hear that work is eating up your time, though. SO RUDE. Family time is awesome, though. :) And moving as well, you are a busy girl!
    LOVE the quilt, obv. Those feedsacks are just awesome!

  8. Some serious feedsack awesomeness happening here! It looks like you used it to back the appliqué? I like how the circles have a bit of dimension to them. Congrats on closing on your house!

  9. Very brave of you to part with this quilt! love it!

  10. This is just breathtaking! I love every inch of this quilt! Feedsack background adds a new value to it. So perfect!

  11. Wow - your swap partner totally lucked out! Gorgeous. I adore those feathers.


so... you're thinking about commenting, are you?

if you don't mind my saying so, please do! i love hearing from new quilting friends! good or bad, let's hear it ;)

p.s. I'm so sorry, but I've had to disable anonymous comments due to sneaky spammers. I hope you understand!