
Thursday, October 9, 2014

skipping in the rain {and a giveaway!}

Not surprisingly, Juliet of Tartan Kiwi is at it again with her mad paper-piecing skills.  As I'm sure some of you might recall, she recently debuted a massive bear, which turned out to be a wonderful reason to break into my newly acquired stash of oakshott lyon and summer stripes:

This time, she's dreamt up a playful silhouette, skipping in the rain with umbrella in hand.  Okay, technically she's "Singing in the Rain." :o)  And because my oakshott, liberty, and low volume stashes are the only fabrics that aren't packed away in bins at the moment, my selection should come as no surprise.  Though I originally had my heart set on a favorite watercolor tana lawn print (tresco c) for the umbrella...

Until it occurred to me that the limited bit I had to begin with had already made its way into liberty and justice for all.  But all was not lost!  Because I soon realized that this would be a perfect start to a quilt for our niece (my cousin and his wife live in London, and I actually picked up this black and white floral on my celebratory trip to Shaukat when we were in the UK for their wedding last fall).  Full circle :o)  Of course I'm hoping they can tell it's a girl dancing in the rain.  ...My husband thought it was someone running with a large rock for a head.  (Perhaps I should've seen that coming and opted for a striped umbrella per Juliet's original pattern.)

Speaking of which, if you're wanting to try out this pattern yourself, Juliet has offered to provide one lucky ready with a complimentary copy of this pattern plus two others of the winner's choosing!  (And yes, that includes big bear!)

To enter, please leave a comment below.  I'll pick a winner next Wednesday (October 15th).  For those of you who just can't wait until then, you can grab this pattern for just $2 over the next two days in Juliet's craftsy shop.  And as an added incentive, Juliet will even refund your money if you win :o)

Happy sewing, everyone!


  1. Oh this is just adorable! And I love Tartan Kiwi's Big Bear too.

  2. Love the girl skipping in the rain! And the big bear! Rcoyle at olemiss dot edu

  3. I love the Big Bear but I could certainly see other options with Singing in the Rain, red boots for example

  4. Oh no! Now that you mention your husband's comment, I can't unsee the rock-headed woman. The good news is that my mind didn't at all go there until the power of suggestion took hold. I enjoyed testing the elephant. He turned out super adorable!

  5. Adorable patterns! Love the girl in the rain :)

  6. Juliet is so talented! Love this (plus all the rest)! I'm glad I finally learned how to paper piece this year!

  7. Lovely! I remember this one in development, and it turned out great!

  8. I've seen this pattern on Instagram and love it! Juliet has amazing paytrtns! Your husband's comment made me giggle. My husband once told me that my earrings reminded him of fishing lures, go figure. I think you did a great job and love that the fabric you used has special meaning.

    Thank you and Juliet for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  9. Bahahaha!!! A person dancing with a rock on their head. At first I thought, what, that's crazy, then I stared at it a lot and I saw it. Hilarious.

  10. I absolutely love this design. I also love your big bear pattern! Please continue the excellent work you do. Thank you for the chance to win and happy paper piecing.

  11. Wow what an arts, I love how that looks, I have not done this kind of work yet, but it is in my bucket list to do before the good Lord takes me home, as I am dying, but with a lot of praying we are hoping that I will get years of life, I am only 51 young and I just got a new grandson but my oldest grand son would love the bear as making them all qa meaningful quilt to remember me by, besides I have not got any grande sons from my other two sons yet, and I so want to see my youngest get married. sorry did not mean to blabber again..GOD bless

  12. I adore paper piecing and these patterns are amazing. Thanks for the chance!

  13. Love the girl and the umbrella! Juliette has some mad skills! The black and white color combination you choose is so perfect! I can see a quilt with this pattern and lots of bright umbrellaz! The bear is amazing as well! Paper piecing is something I'm pretty new at, but love it!

  14. Ooooh those are fantastic! She makes some great patterns, I would love to win!

  15. The big bear is adorable and the girl with the umbrella is so them both! What a great giveaway!

  16. That bear is FANTASTIC!

  17. I think it looks like someone dancing in the rain - but maybe because that's one of my favorite activities. :D Also, your bear is gooooorgeous!

  18. I really like the block and the bear one is amazing love it
    cooladam1 at

  19. I love the girl skipping in the rain and the bear. The girl skipping in the rain reminds me of my daughter when she was little. She loved to run through mud puddles in the rain while holding an umbrella over her head. A neighbor of mine saw her one day and invited her into her house, thinking she was locked out of the house. My daughter smiled, and said 'thank you', but didn't tell her I was home; I was aware of what she was doing, and was watching from inside the house. :o)

  20. I love that umbrella! Think of a quilt with a bunch of them, all the different patterns next to each other!

  21. I love the girl singing in the rain. That song was one of my son's faves when he was small--something to do with Beavers (little little Boy Scouts). That bear is just da bomb!

  22. I think that this is my favorite block she has ever made. Your version is very cute.

  23. Your blocks are fabulous! And Juliet's patterns are amazing. Every time I've used a pattern of hers it has been wonderful. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win!

  24. That is an adorable paper pieced block! Thanks for the chance to win!

  25. I love the black and white umbrella, I'd love to have an umbrella that beautiful for myself! The story behind the fabric makes it even more special, I think this is the start of something magical for your niece.

  26. I love Juliet's patterns! Thanks for sharing and your blocks are beautiful.

  27. These are such creative, beautiful patterns! I'd love to stitch them out and make them a part of my sewing room!

  28. Love this pattern and your beautiful version of it!

  29. These are awesome! I just checked out Juliet's craftsy shop and downloaded her fairy pattern! I'm going back now to check out the ballet patterns! My three year old is gonna flip out!!! Thank you!!!

  30. I've never tried paper piecing. "Singing in the rain" is my favorite song.

  31. How perfect for the rainy days in Seattle! I've been wanting to try paper piecing for a while. Thanks for the opportunity.

  32. I think your husband is suffering from non-crafters-don't-get-it syndrome lol! I knew what it was right away :)

  33. i already loved your version of the bear and the black-and-white girl is awesome!
    thanks for the giveaway.

  34. Oh thanks for the chance - love this and the bear!

  35. I have fond memories of that movie from growing up - we didn't watch a lot of TV or videos, but that one was played repeatedly.

    jhunsberger (at) gmail (d0t) c0m

  36. Fabulous!
    I love Juliet's new pattern! ( I like the bear too!)

  37. Love both of these patterns! Thanks for the chance to win.

  38. Love this! I love the way her hand is dancing-so cool!

  39. Eeeeep - I love this silhouette pattern. I would make the umbrella and boots in lime green :) Juliet's patterns are the best - I tested Big Bear and he is my absolute favourite!

  40. I love Juliet's pattern she is so incredibly clever! And a fellow Kiwi too ;)

  41. I love Juliet's patterns, I've not yet felt ready to try any but winning some would be a great excuse!

  42. OMG the girl with the umbrella is so cute! Just think of the quilt you could make with Liberty prints for the umbrellas. That would brighten up any rainy day. Thanks for the give away! jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com

  43. This pattern is just lovely. I couldn't wait. I had to go pick it up! :-)). You did a beautiful job.

  44. I love this pattern - sophisticated but still has whimsy.

  45. LOVE this silouette! Reminds me of a child's book that I had growing up. You did a great job.

  46. Love the girl in the rain, but I am totally smitten with the bear. I need to get this pattern and make my own version. I know a certain family member that would love it.

  47. Absolutely beautiful! Would love to win.

  48. Wow, that is a beautiful design! I love silhouette designs! :)

  49. wow cute patterns - the umbrella girl is lovely!

  50. This is SO COOL!! Awesome! Awesome!
