...But (quickly) before we get to that, Rebecca of Bryan House Quilts and I just wanted to say how impressed we've been by vibrant and varied ways in which you all paid homage to Greenery. All three of our judges remarked that their decisions were not going to be easy after seeing what you came up with, so kudos to all of our entrants for making their jobs that much harder. :) And if you don't see your quilt listed below, we hope you know it is by no means a reflection on the quality of your work! You're all amazing.
But you know that already. :) What you don't know, however, is who the judges and viewers picked! So without further ado....
Quilts (judged by Carolyn Friedlander)

Carolyn Friedlander
"These entries are great! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing what folks made, and overall, I think everyone paid Greenery a wonderful tribute! To pick just 2 entries from the Quilts category was indeed a challenge. I loved reading about and seeing the inspiration behind Vicky's Succulence quilt. I appreciate seeing an idea translated into a finished project in a way that honors the inspiration while still having a life of its own. On the other hand, Diana's entry spoke to me in terms of color and texture. The palette achieves an interesting play on color, and the hand quilting adds great richness and detail."
"Succulence Quilt" by Vicky of Veni Vidi Vicky
Second place — Robert Kaufman — Kona Color Card + 1 green Kona FQ bundle
"Flamingos in the Shrubbery" by Diana Vandeyar
Viewers’ choice — Robert Kaufman — Kona Color Card + 1 green Kona FQ bundle
"Cluster" by Stacey Lee O'Malley of SLOstudio
Minis (judged by Jennifer Sampou)
Jennifer Sampou |
"Ah! Not an easy decision. So many talented makers and successful quilts. My criteria was first based on visual graphic impact due to not seeing the quilts in person. These are my two choice winners. Very different approach/style yet both artists exhibit originality, understanding of dynamic composition and use of greenery. Quilting enhances design, adds depth and rhythm. Ultimately I am drawn to the excellent design sense of both artists and I am honored to be the judge of this challenge."
First place — Oakshott Fabrics — $100 gift certificate
"Growing Green" by Ailish
"Meadow" by Kari
Viewers’ choice — Love, Patchwork & Quilting Magazine — 1-year print subscription
Okay, so it turns out the viewers were totally in sync with Jennifer on this one, which means "Growing Green" won their (your) vote, too. However, in the interest of keeping things friendly and sharing the love, we're awarding the viewers' choice prize to the (close) second mini...
"Simple Stripes" by Monika Huelsebusch
Just the Top (judged by Christa Watson)
Christa Watson |
"These were all so amazing and I had such a hard time choosing.
"Love at First Glow" by Jill Fisher of Pie Lady Quilts
"X-Quilt" by Elina Temmes
Viewers’ choice — Crimson Tate — $50 gift certificate
"Fibonacci Geese" by Michelle Parent
Door Prizes
The following (and equally fabulous) entries have been drawn at random from the three challenge categories to win our “door prizes”:
Again, a big thank you to our judges, sponsors, and all of our entrants for making this challenge such a joy to watch over these past few months! Rebecca and I have really enjoyed seeing all of your creations come to life. And if you have any suggestions or feedback, we would love to hear it. This was our first rodeo, so to speak, and we're sure there are ways we can improve for next year, so please let us know—we're all ears!
Sarah + Rebecca