January 7 – 26ish, 2019
Hello friends! The past few weeks I've been totally thrilled to share the adventures (virtual) book tour over on Instagram, and today, I am so excited to share this round-up post with you here!
At the risk of sounding like a broken record... the book is my attempt to touch on each stage of my FPP process—from piecing technique to pattern design—in three sequential parts. The tour tracks the book from beginning to end, starting with Plant Lady (Parts I and II, which cover everything you need to start sewing on paper (Part I) and designing your own patterns (Part II)), all the way through the seven design prompts (Part III... aka where the adventure begins!)
Part III is workbook-style, divided into 7 design prompt/project pairings to get your creative juices flowing:
Learning by the Letter (Snooze)
Traditional with a Twist (Prickly Path)
Objects (Voodoo Feather)
Creatures (Folksy Friends)
Think Outside the (Square) Box (Fireflies)
Repeat Designs (Jungleview)
Single Foundation Paper Piecing (Double Diamond Wedding Ring)
The brief design directives are brought to life with gorgeous collage images (photographed by @ericlubrick and styled by @annamarisa) intended to spark design inspiration of your own. The projects (my “takes” on each prompt) are more of what you might expect from a traditional craft book—project instructions complete with patterns to make the book sample.
If you're on Instagram and happened to miss any of the tour posts, you can find nearly all the guest posts under the #adventuresbooktour hashtag. For those of you who don't use Instagram, feel free to leisurely scroll through the guest posts below to catch up on everything from day 1!
P.S. Each guest designer/maker was given a chance to offer an autographed copy of the book to one of their followers. Though some giveaways have closed, a handful will remain open into early this week. Be sure to check the "giveaways" highlight on my Instagram profile for the ones that are still active :)
P.S. Each guest designer/maker was given a chance to offer an autographed copy of the book to one of their followers. Though some giveaways have closed, a handful will remain open into early this week. Be sure to check the "giveaways" highlight on my Instagram profile for the ones that are still active :)
Monday January 7 - Plant Lady
Featured Quilter: Marion McClellan (@myquiltdiet)
Interview with Marion McClellan available at adventures book tour: Plant Lady |
Tuesday January 8 - Graffiti FPP
Sarah Sharp (@nohatsquilts | nohatsinthehouse.com)
Wednesday January 9 - Design Prompt No. 1 - Learning by the Letter
Giuseppe Ribaudo (aka Giucy Giuce) (@giucy_giuce)
Thursday January 10 - Snooze
Featured Quilter: Karlee Porter (@karleeporterdesign)
Interview with Karlee Porter available at adventures book tour: Snooze |
Friday January 11 - Design Prompt No. 2 - Traditional with a Twist
Katy Cameron (@the_littlest_thistle | the-littlest-thistle.com)
Saturday January 12 - Prickly Path
Featured Quilter: Angela Walters (@angelafmq)
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Interview with Angela Walters available at adventures book tour: Prickly Path |
Featured Fabric Designer: Alison Glass (@alisonglass)
Monday January 14 - Design Prompt No. 3 - Objects
Alison Robins (@littleislandquilting)
Tuesday January 15 - Voodoo Feathers
Jennifer Sampou (@jennifersampou | jennifersampou.com)
Wednesday January 16 - Design Prompt No. 4 - Creatures
Anne Sullivan (@playcrafts | play-crafts.com)
Thursday January 17 - Folksy Friends
Featured Quilter: Kathleen Riggins (@kathleenquilts)
Interview with Kathleen Riggins available at adventures book tour: Folksy Friends |
Friday January 18 - Design Prompt No. 5 - Think Outside the (Square) Block
Cath Hall (@wombatquilts | wombatquilts.com)
Saturday January 19 - Fireflies
Featured Quilter: Rachael Dorr (@rachaeldorr)
Interview with Rachael Dorr available at adventures book tour: Fireflies |
Sunday January 20 - Sunday Book Review!
Sarah Ashford (@sarahashfordstudio)
Tuesday January 22 - Design Prompt No. 6 - Repeat Designs
Allison Dutton (@allisonsews | allison-sews.blogspot.com)
Wednesday January 23 - Jungleview
Thursday January 24 - Design Prompt No. 7 - Single Foundation Paper Piecing
Jamie Swanson (@jamiemswansonquilts)
Friday January 25 - Double Diamond Wedding Ring
Featured Quilter: Andrea Munro (@practicaldazzle)
Interview with Andrea Munro available at adventures book tour: Double Diamond Wedding Ring |
Saturday January 26 – Recap and Photography
Eric Lubrick (@ericlubrick | ericlubrick.com)